Jacopo Zagoli

December 20, 1999

closeup of Jacopo


Hi, I am Jacopo, a software engineer. I got my Bachelor's and Master's Degrees in Computer Science and Engineering from Verona University. My bachelor thesis was in deep learning for medical images, and my master thesis was about using an attention model to solve the task assignment problem of CMAPD, a planning and optimization computer science problem.


Rigth now, I'm working for One S.r.l. Previously, I was a student research assistant at the ALTAIR Robotics Lab, where I helped to develop some computer vision solutions for medical images that will be integrated on a medical robot called PROST.

Professional Interests

If you can't tell from the design of this page, I'm more interested in back-end or systems programming than front-end development: The languages I use most are C++, Python, Java and object-oriented languages in general. While I'm most used to OO programming, I'm also trying to learn a functional language (Elixir + Phoenix LiveView). So far I like it!

I am also always trying to improve my coding style and skills: I've read Clean Code by Robert C. Martin (although I don't agree with some of it) and now I'm reading Working Effectively with Legacy Code by Michael C. Feathers.
